Questions & Answers

Here you can find answers to our most common general questions. If you have questions specific to our offers please also check each service page from our Experiences catalogue.

I’ve never been to live events like Nourishment Nights before. How do I know I will feel comfortable?

I’m considering the Stay with Me experience. What does it feel like to live with you and your family?

Want to hear more about Sensitivita from Sam and I directly? Check out these films that give a little more insight in to the richness of the experience.

I want to start doing Dynamic Mentorship, but I don't live locally. How do I know I will receive the full benefits of the sessions online?

I am interested in starting Dynamic Mentorship sessions, but I want to be sure that you can help me before committing. How do I know that you can fully support me?

What is your confidentiality policy?